Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required

Pack Soft Spikes / Cleats Pins System and wrench if required

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NEW Soft Spikes Golf Shoe Cleats PinsSystem 

With Premium Wrench if required

The Softspikes Pulsar revolutionized the golf cleat market thanks to its proprietary Dynamic Cleat Technology. Through this technology, Pulsar delivers maximum comfort and performance via a 16 component design that reacts to every angle of force exerted by the golfer.

As part of this design, flexor knuckles placed at the flex point on each of Pulsars eight legs offers enhanced strength, responsiveness and more than twice the flexibility of any cleat on the market. In addition, the reinforced arched webbing between each of Pulsars legs delivers instant energy return every time the cleat is compressed - resulting in a cleat that offers unmatched stability and comfort.

Fits the following shoes


·         All Adidas golf shoes purchased after 2009 require the PINS insert system.


·         2015 Styles: X Cage Pro, X Nitro;

·         2013 Styles: TA Chev Bulcher, Tour Staff, Razr X, XTreme


·         M:Project, DNA,

·         2014 SuperLite (Styles 58004 and 58012)


·         TW 2015, F2 Premiere


·         All styles 2013 and after


·         All Styles 2013-2019 (excluding PWRAdapt, Blaze Sport, PROAdapt);

·         2012 Styles: Iso Pro, Spark Sport, Cell Fusion, Super Cell


·         All Styles 2014 and After


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